Product name: FocuSee Screen Recorder
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Giveaway link: Not required
License code: No registration code is required.
Limited-Time Giveaway: 2024-05-15
Platform: Windows, macOS
Updated: 2024-05-14 09:47:13
This marks the Official Giveaway download from Gemoo! Be prompt, as this time-limited giveaway might end before the campaign's scheduled conclusion.
If you\'re seeking an alternative to traditional screen recording for creating stunning demos, promos, tutorials, or launch videos quickly, FocuSee is an excellent option. It excels in mouse tracking, features an easy-to-use interface with auto zoom-in-out effects for Windows, and offers automated editing, eliminating the need for video editing skills. FocuSee also includes advanced capabilities such as instant caption generation, layout customization, and fine-tuning options like trimming, cropping, speed adjustments, appearance customization, background addition, and setting rounded corners, shadows, insets, and padding.